The legal relationship between OeKB CSD and its clients is governed by the General Terms and Conditions of OeKB CSD (GTC).

The current version of the Terms and Conditions including Annexes at a glance:

General Terms and Conditions

Annex 1 T2S Opening Days (Days of Operation), Service Centers
Annex 2 List of Custodians
Annex 3 Fees - valid until 30.06.2024
Annex 4 Liability Regulations Custodians and Account Servicing Institutions
Annex 5.1

Provision/Modification Customer Master Data

Annex 5.2 Provision/Modification Customer Master Data (Issuers)
Annex 6 Guideline Management of Digital and Physical Securities
Annex 7 Determination of new function holders
Annex 8

Guideline Settlement and Securities Account Administration

Annex 9 Invalid
Annex 10 Invalid
Annex 11

Guideline Income Collection for Securities Due (only in German)

Annex 12 Securities Categories exempt from Withdrawal
Annex 13 Application for Opening a Securities Account, Application for Opening a Cash Account, Modification Securities Account Master Data, Modification Cash Account Master Data
Annex 14 Confirmations of Holdings
Annex 15 Guideline for Cash Account Administration
Annex 16 List of Participants of SSS/Account Holders
Annex 17

User Manual Settlement Client

Annex 18 SWIFT Manual
Annex 19 Invalid
Annex 20 Custody Notifications and other Information
Annex 21

Guideline Forwarding of Income Payments

Annex 22 User Manual Asset Servicing Client
Annex 23 Issuing of Instructions Asset Servicing
Annex 24 Means of Communication for Statements
Annex 25

Using T2S for Transaction Management

Annex 26 Settlement Discipline Regime
Annex 1_Form Reporting Settlement Fails
Annex 2_Form Systematic Delivery Failure
Annex 27 Invalid
Annex 28

Guideline Processing of Corporate Actions

Annex 29 Application for Closing a Securities Account, Application for Closing a Cash Account
Annex 30 List of the User Committee Members
Annex 31 Rules of Procedure of the User Committee
Annex 32

Guidelines of section 871(m) US IRS

Annex 33

Risk Assessment in the Course of the Acceptance of a Security in Custody and Administration by OeKB CSD as Issuer CSD

Annex 34

Risk Assessment Securities Account Holder

Annex 35

Important Reasons to Terminate Securities Account Administration

Annex 36


Annex 37 Communication Procedures
Annex 38 Terms of Use for Online Service Clients
Annex 39 Invalid
Annex 40 Invalid
Annex 41 Sample Power of Attorney Replacement of a Physical SU by a DGC (only in German)
Form Annex 41.1_Vollmacht Ersetzung physischer SU durch digitale SU_Schuldverschreibungen
Form Annex 41.2_Vollmacht Ersetzung physischer SU durch digitale SU_Investmentzertifikate
Annex 42 Sample Powers of Attorney Transfer Agent (only in German)
Form Annex 42.1_Gattungsvollmacht Transfer Agent Schuldverschreibungen
Form Annex 42.2_Einzelvollmacht Transfer Agent Schuldverschreibungen
Form Annex 42.3_Gattungsvollmacht Transfer Agent Investmentzertifikate
Form Annex 42.4_Einzelvollmacht Transfer Agent Investmentzertifikate
Annex 43 Sample Declarations regarding the exercise of the Transfer Agent function by the Issuer (only in German)
Form Annex 43.1_Gattungserklärung Emittent Schuldverschreibungen
Form Annex 43.2_Gattungserklärung Emittent Investmentzertifikate
Annex 44 Information Disclosed in Public Issues / Securites Vista - in progress
Annex 45 Information about the Public Status and details relating to section 871(m) US IRS

Any questions? Please contact us!

OeKB CSD Service Center
T +43 1 53127-2100