We deal with confidential, sometimes even sensitive information, on a daily basis in all our business areas. For that reason alone, OeKB CSD GmbH (OeKB CSD) is very concerned about handling data carefully. As such, we adhere strictly to the applicable laws on data protection. We will keep your personal data strictly confidential.

Content of the Privacy Policy

  1. General information
  2. Contact persons and details
  3. Identification and storage of personal data
  4. Use and disclosure of personal data
  5. Right to information, rectification, erasure or restriction of the processing of your stored data as well as to objection and to data portability
  6. Data security
  7. Cookies
  8. Logging e-mail traffic
  9. Updating this Privacy Policy

1. General information

We at OeKB CSD GmbH (OeKB CSD) are committed to handling your personal data with the utmost care during your visit to our website – from collecting to processing and storing it. Austrian and European laws on data protection form the basis for this.

This Privacy Policy applies only to the website of OeKB CSD. Individual pages may refer to links of other providers within and outside OeKB CSD not covered by the privacy policy, i.e. we cannot assume any liability for the content therein or for how data is used and processed.

2. Contact persons and data

The following company is responsible for data processing:
Strauchgasse 1-3
A-1010 Vienna
Telephone: +43 1 53 127-2100
Fax: +43 1 53127-4100
E-mail: csd@oekb-csd.at

The Data Protection Officer of OeKB CSD is:
Manfred Erich Leiter-Rummerstorfer
Am Hof 4
A-1010 Vienna
Telephone: +43 1 53 127-3011
E-mail: dataprotection@oekb-csd.at

Information on data processing according to art. 13 and 14 DSGVO

Below you will also find information about the nature, extent and purpose of the collection and use of data when you visit our websites.

3. Identification and storage of personal data

For technical reasons, every time you access our website, your browser automatically transmits the data listed below to our web servers. Storage is solely for statistical and technical purposes, for example, to evaluate the frequency of page visits or to detect disruptions to server operations.
The following data is logged and evaluated:

  • IP address
  • browser type and version
  • operating system
  • device (PC, tablet or smartphone)
  • resolution of the computer
  • source (country and city)
  • language
  • page views
  • date, time and duration of the visit
  • bounce rate
  • traffic sources (social media, search engines or referring websites)
  • click or conversion rate
  • request (filename of the requested file)
  • Username and password (only for pages with login details, such as our Online Services)
  • any content of forms

Additional personal data, such as name, home address, e-mail address, date of birth or business-related data, are only recorded if you indicate them yourself. For example, on our website you may indicate such information when using the feedback form and when registering for an event (incl. online event).

4. Use and disclosure of personal data

Personal data transmitted by you will only be used to handle your request, as part of the fulfilment of services concluded according to our General Terms and Conditions (GTC) or for technical administration.

If you have consented to the processing of your personal data, processing will take place only in accordance with the purposes set out in the declaration of consent and to the extent agreed therein. As such, you will only receive mailings from us on the basis of your consent here. You can revoke consent at any time, free of charge, with effect for the future.

Moreover, your data will be received only by those bodies or employees within OeKB CSD who or which require it to fulfil, in regards to our GTC, contractual, legal and regulatory obligations and to serve legitimate interests. We also use selected processors for the technical and organisational implementation of our website. All processors will be placed under a corresponding contractual obligation to handle your personal data confidentially and only to process it within the framework of the provision of their service according to our instructions.

5. Right to information, rectification, erasure or restriction of the processing of your stored data as well as to objection and to data portability

You have a right to information, rectification, erasure or restriction of the processing of your stored data, a right to object to the processing and a right to data portability in accordance with the prerequisites of data protection law.

You can address any appeals to the Austrian Data Protection Authority.

6. Data Security

The security of your data in our systems is very important to us. Our goal is to manage your data with the utmost care and to take all necessary technical and organisational security measures to protect your personal data from loss and misuse.

Access to nearly all our websites is secured via HTTPS if your browser supports SSL. This means that communication between your device and our servers is encrypted. If you wish to contact us or our employees by e-mail, we would like to point out that the confidentiality of the information provided is not guaranteed. The content of e-mails may be viewed by third parties due to their technical design, unless special technical security measures are taken.

7. Cookies

a) General information on cookies

OeKB CSD uses cookies for optimising your experience while you are on our website. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device. Cookies help us to make our website and our offer more user-friendly and more effective. 

What cookies do we use

We use so-called session cookies, which will automatically be deleted from your device after you leave our website, and persistent cookies, which remain stored on the device for identification purposes. Persistent cookies are valid for a precisely defined period and will also be automatically deleted after its expiry.

In addition, we use so-called first-party cookies. Such cookies are generated by OeKB CSD itself, as website operator, and stored on your device. 

The following kinds of cookies are used for our website:

  • Technically required cookies
  • Performance cookies

Legal basis for cookie placement

Technically required cookies are stored on the basis of Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. As website operator, OeKB CSD has a legitimate interest in storing cookies for the purpose of providing its services in a technically flawless and optimised manner. Functionality cookies are stored exclusively based on your consent under Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR. 

The cookie settings for our website can be changed at any time via the privacy note in the footer on the bottom of the website.

In section 7 b, the various cookies that are used on our website and their purpose are described in greater detail.

You can configure your browser so that you will be informed about cookies to be placed and only admit them in individual instances, that you exclude the acceptance of cookies generally or in certain cases, and that you enable cookies to be automatically deleted when the browser is closed. Disabling cookies generally may restrict the functionality of this website.

The steps and measures required for this depend on the specific Internet browser you use. Use the links below for more information on how to proceed with standard browsers:

b) The following cookies are used on the OeKB CSD website

  • Technically required cookies 

Technically required cookies help you use a website by allowing basic functions such as site navigation and access to secure areas of the website. Without such cookies, the website cannot function correctly. The use of such cookies is based on protecting our legitimate interests (Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR), i.e. safeguarding operation, security and optimisation of our website.

The following technically required cookies are used on our website:

Provider Type Name Purpose Service life
OeKB CSD First Party Cookie JSESSIONID Allows session Session Cookie
OeKB CSD First Party Cookie TS0149ea30 Web Application Firewall Session Cookie
OeKB CSD First Party Cookie acceptCookies Stores the settings chosen in the cookie banner Persistant Cookie
1 year


  • Performance Cookies

Below you find further information on the cookies we use:


This website uses the open source tool Matomo for web analysis. Matomo uses cookies that enable OeKB CSD to analyse the use of the website and to further optimise the user-friendliness of the website on the basis of the information obtained.
The cookie has a duration of 13 months and enables not only the recognition of users who have been on the website before, but also the non-personal analysis of visitors' behaviour on the website.

This website uses Matomo with the extension "AnonymizeIP". Your IP address is included in the analysis, but is immediately shortened and thus anonymised so that it can no longer be assigned to you. Thus, no personal data is collected or evaluated, nor is it linked to other such data. 

The information obtained through the cookie about the use of the website is not passed on to third parties.

Further information on Matomo's terms of use and data protection regulations can be found at: https://matomo.org/privacy/

Provider Type Name Purpose Service life
OeKB CSD First Party Cookie _pk_id  Used to store a few details about the user such as the unique visitor ID. 13 months 
OeKB CSD First Party Cookie _pk_ses Short lived cookies used to temporarily store data for the visit. 30 minutes 

8. Logging of e-mail traffic

To ensure an appropriate level of information and system security and to detect malicious software, we store log data of e-mail traffic. When you send an e-mail to one of our addresses, the following information is logged: e-mail and IP addresses of the recipient and the sender, number of recipients, subject, date and time of receipt at the server, file name of any attachments, message size, risk classification for spam and delivery status. E-mails are checked purely automatically in the first step. Individual e-mails are manually checked by responsible persons only in the event of a suspected threat to the security of the IT systems.

In addition, we process your personal data in connection with e-mails, as far as necessary, for the duration of the entire business initiation phase and beyond in accordance with statutory retention and documentation obligations.    

9. Update of this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy as necessary to reflect technical developments and legal changes or to update it in connection with the offer of new services or products.