OeKB CSD GmbH (OeKB CSD) is a central securities depository (CSD) according to EU-CSD Regulation (Regulation (EU) No. 909/2014).

It is 100% subsidiary of Oesterreichische Kontrollbank Aktiengesellschaft (OeKB).

Our Tasks:

As CSD we play an important and central role in Austria's capital market, as we provide centralized services for its participants:

  • We accept securities from issuers for safekeeping and administration on the investors' behalf. This is done in a state-of-the art manner in the form of Digital Global Securities (DGC). It can also still be done using conventional Paper Global Certificates (PGC).
  • We process investors' instructions for the settlement of securities transactions, having been placed on the stock exchange or over-the-counter.
  • We coordinate the issuer's payments to the investors to settle the investors' claims to the issuers as evidenced by the securities. 

In order to provide you with the latest state-of-the-art technique we have built the “Issuer Platform”. Please find a short video clip explaining the key facts here (in German). Link to the video

Our Expertise:

Our expertise is based on our

  • Extensive knowledge of the Austrian capital market, involving in particular the activities of securities safekeeping, securities administration and securities settlement,
  • Responsive approach to emerging developments and international standards in our line of business, which we adopt and implement promptly, and
  • Central, competitively neutral, client-focused, and reliable positioning in the Austrian capital market.

We look back on decades’ worth of experience in the safekeeping, administration and settlement of securities.

We operate as an independent, central hub in Austria's capital market.

We integrate state-of-the-art settlement technologies with international standards.

Any questions? Please contact us!

OeKB CSD Service Center
T +43 1 53127-2100