Our clients and their requirements are always in the focus of all our actions. For us it is important to understand the needs and requirements of our clients as best as possible and to act accordingly.
As the central infrastructure provider for the capital market we give all our clients equal attention. This applies to our services as well as to our pricing policy.
Clients of OeKB CSD are the issuers of the securities which OeKB CSD keeps and administers on the one hand and securities account holders to whose securities accounts these securities are credited on the other.
It is possible that our clients assume more than one of these roles. For example, an issuer of a security may also hold a securities account and cash account with OeKB CSD. We take care of both of these sides for the benefit of the client.
Issuers as Clients of OeKB CSD:
OeKB CSD holds the securities certificates as Issuer CSD from over 15,000 securities categories, issued by roughly 350 issuers and with an equivalent of over 800 billion Euro. The issuers are primary Austrian companies, ranging from the small cable car operator to multinationals listed on the stock exchange.
Securities Account Holders as Clients of OeKB CSD:
OeKB CSD services approximately 70 securities account holders. They are primary Austrian and international credit institutions. Moreover, investment firms, central securities depositories and central counterparties, members of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and public bodies responsible for public debt management are employing the services of OeKB CSD.

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