If you consider acting as a Securities Inspector, the following facts are important:

Securities Inspectors fulfil important functions for the Issuer of a Paper Global Certificate (PGC). The Securities Inspector verifies the authenticity of the security, i.e. if the certificate represents the intention of the issuer, is properly established, can logically be the kind of certificate as stated and is properly and validly signed by the issuer.

When issuing a Digital Global Certificate no additional Securities Inspector is required, as the system of roles within the Issuer Platform covers this function.

Your way to become a securities inspector:

To become a Securities Inspector,  an entity must be a credit institution with a registered office in an EEA member state or an OECD member state.  It is entitled to  perform the validation and issuance of confirmations of securities when they are taken in custody with regard to authenticity. 

The securities inspector has to enter into a contract with OeKB CSD. To this end,  it will take part in an assessment process. OeKB CSD’s Securities Inspector Assessment Board will decide whether or not the credit institution will be added to the list of securities inspectors. As an issuer, you are free to choose your Securities Inspector from this list (the Securities Inspector has to agree to be chosen, though). Normally the Securities inspector is also acting as the Paying Agent, but this is not a prerequisite. We gladly provide you with a list of securities inspectors on request.

You would like to act as a securities inspector?
Please contact us!

Relationship Management Issuers Service Center
T +43 1 53127-2016