The services of OeKB CSD are diverse. Among other things, we support our clients as securities account administrator.


You act as a credit institution, an investment firm or similar body based in an EEA Contracting Party or a member state of the OECD and would like to settle securities in the Austrian capital market. To do so, you need an Austrian central securities depository to hold securities accounts on your behalf.

Our scope of services:

We, as the Austrian Central Securities Depository, hold securities accounts on behalf of our clients. We use the state-of-the-art capital market infrastructure TARGET2-Securities (T2S) for that purpose.

The costs:

As a CSD we keep our costs transparent. Therefore, all costs are listed in our price list:

Annex 3 Fees, section 2

Your way to us:

We are glad to help you find the most suitable way towards your solution. Please contact us!

Find out more about our comprehensive service:

OeKB CSD uses T2S for Securities Account Administration:

T2S is a European platform developed by the German, French, Italian and Spanish central banks. It is operated by the Eurosystem, which is currently being used by over 20 European central securities depositories.

Your Cost Savings by using T2S for Settlement:

We let our securities account holders benefit directly from the advantages of securities account administration in T2S: It allows us to keep the costs of securities account administration low, since it only involves a single system.

Annex 8 Guideline Settlement and Securities Account Administration

Our securities account holders also benefit for settlement from T2S.

Get more information here:


Who the Securities Account Holders of OeKB CSD are:

Securities account holders of OeKB CSD are usually credit institutions and investment firms based in an EEA contracting party or a member state of the OECD. They must be authorized to hold and administrate securities for others (custody business).

Securities account holders may also be central securities depositories authorized in accordance with the Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR), public bodies and many more.

When accepting new securities account holders OeKB CSD acts in accordance with its General Terms and Conditions (GTC):

GTC of OeKB CSD, section 3.1

Annex 34 Risk Assessment Securities Account Holder

There are two things all present and future securities account holders of OeKB CSD have in common: they have a

  • LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) and a
  • BIC (Business Identifier Code).

It is also important to know that all securities account holders of OeKB CSD have at least one Dedicated Cash Account (DCA), which is linked to their securities accounts. Without this obligatory DCA allocation OeKB CSD would not be able to accept a participant. The DCA is also used for the settlement of securities in Euro.

Annex 16 List of Participants of SSS/Account Holders

Side note: Dedicated Cash Account (DCA)
A DCA is a cash account held by a Euro central bank on the T2S platform. As a potential securities account holder you can request such a cash account from your central bank.

According to section 3.2.2 of the GTC of OeKB CSD you as securities account holder may determine for your securities accounts the following types within the meaning of Art. 55 par. 3 lit b Commission Delegated Regulation 2017/392: 

  • participant‘s own account: The designation of a securities account as a participant's own account shall be deemed to be a written notification pursuant to the Austrian Securities Deposit Act that the securities booked on this securities account are the property of the participant.
  • individual client account 
  • omnibus client account 

According to section 3.1 (5) of the GTC of OeKB CSD the securities account name may be chosen freely by you as securities account holder and shall have no effect on the qualification of the securities account pursuant to section 3.2.2 of the GTC of OeKB CSD. 

In the event that a participant defaults, OeKB CSD has set up a process which describes the individual client-related process steps in detail:

Any questions? Please contact us!

Accounts & Settlement Service Center
T +43 1 53127-2020