For over 50 years OeKB CSD has relied on an intense collaboration with all capital market participants to be able to optimally meet the requirements of all players in the capital market.
As a central hub OeKB CSD is the prerequisite to the smooth functioning of the Austrian capital market. It is therefore involved to a large extent in the implementation of Austrian and international standards in the field of securities settlement.
Among other things, OeKB CSD supports the Austrian capital market by actively participating in working groups, initiatives and associations. Frequently, it coordinates the communication among the members of these bodies in the development of standards.
By entertaining close contacts with the capital market players represented in these working groups, OeKB CSD is able to create and implement market practices. This generates a number of benefits for the clients of OeKB CSD.
- Issuers benefit from efficient solutions for the processing of their issues, which are tailored to the needs of the Austrian capital market.
- Securities account and cash account holders benefit from the standardised and thus easier cross-border settlement throughout Europe.
And last but not least, OeKB CSD in collaboration with other players operating in the capital market publishes documents from working groups and makes them available to all its clients.
A close collaboration of the capital market players therefore not only makes sense, it is also essential to achieve greater harmonisation.