
06 August 2018 – Effective day for wave 1: Migration of the processing of corporate actions to the new IT-platform Asset Servicing Client


OeKB CSD introduced 2015 a new system for the processing of income payments. As a next step, the “Corporate Actions New” project was launched to replace the existing system for processing corporate actions. The project plan provides several waves; wave 1 was implemented on August 06th, 2018.

What does the launch include?

Mandatory corporate actions and meeting events have been migrated to the new IT-platform. Clients of OeKB CSD have now the opportunity to request information about these events via the Asset Servicing Client.

What has happened since then?

Since the time of migration, the new system processed events such as mergers, splits, intermediate securities distribution pari passue etc.

What’s next?

Our effort for wave 2, which  involves voluntary corporate actions, has already begun. The implementation is scheduled for Q1 2019. Wave 3 – the final wave– is expected to be realized in Q4 2019 and thus complete the project.

How do clients benefit from the service enhancement?

Asset Servicing Client

The Asset Servicing Client informs the clients of OeKB CSD about the payment of incomes and processing of corporate actions. It also offers them additional functions for the creation of Breakdown Instructions.

Your way to the Asset Servicing Client:

Via Login Portal of OeKB Group

Any questions?
Please contact us!

Asset Servicing Service Center
T +43 1 53127-2010